If further fossil finds confirm that Danuvius and perhaps other ancient tree-dwelling apes stood ... exciting piece to the puzzle” of ancient ape evolution, Williams says.
A newly discovered primate fossil is crucial for illuminating a pivotal event in primate and human evolution--the divergence between the lineage leading to modern monkeys, apes, and humans ...
Our immediate evolutionary family is comprised of the hominoids, the group of primates that includes the "lesser apes" (siamangs and ... it to forage in the trees. The canine teeth were probably ...
Dropping out of trees, they essayed a novel means ... The new posture, Dr. Wheeler also said, might explain the evolution of the human as the naked ape. It obviated the need for complete body ...
Does evolution happen slowly or quickly ... Adaptive radiations and extinctions -- The rise and fall of Miocene Apes Phylogenetic trees based on genetic data cannot reveal much about what might ...
Or, to use a family tree analogy, the common ancestor ... Unfortunately, despite the number of fossil apes discovered, the ...
That suggests that Buronius ate leaves high in trees and sweet fruits in the ... Miocene great apes belong to an evolutionary family that includes modern chimps, gorillas, orangutans and humans.
For the past 150 years, scientists and laypeople alike have accepted a “savanna” scenario of human evolution. The theory, primarily based on fossil evidence, suggests that because our ancestral ape ...
Scrambling up trees could protect them ... afarensis as "the ape that walked upright" makes it a celebrity species in the story of human evolution. Lucy's pelvis hints that she walked upright ...