In all the years of brazen showing off for which Royal Ascot is so justly famous, no one can have wandered through the paddock wearing quite so little. Sales manager Charlie McEntee, 31 ...
Last year, the royal’s mother attended a horse racing event dubbed the Royal Ascot. Carole was momentarily barefoot when the heel of her shoe got stuck in the grass. Several people dashed to ...
Mark Fahey speaks about potential stable star Tina's Indian – plus a lively outsider for the trainer at the Cheltenham Festival  Trainer Mark Fahey has revealed that he is dreaming of Royal Ascot for ...
Festivities spilled over into violence at Royal Ascot last night with police forced ... More than half of the women were either walking barefoot or in flip-flops, after a long day wearing high ...
Queen Camilla exuded royal glamour on Saturday afternoon as she stepped out to attend the Ascot Chase Raceday at Ascot Racecourse in Berkshire. During her solo outing, the royal judged the 'Best ...
While it is a longshot of coming to fruition, a trip to Royal Ascot offers the perfect chance to show Ka Ying Rising – and Hong Kong racing more generally – off to European racing fans.