T he big twist in The Dark Knight Rises leads to a surprising change in Christian Bale’s Batman performance that makes the DC ...
Batman has gone through a number of looks over the course of nearly 90 years. We break down his 10 best Batsuits from the ...
Batman has one of the most iconic backstories ever created for a superhero due to how simple it is. Bruce Wayne was the ...
McFarlane Toys is releasing a nice set of collectibles from across their brands including a new Jokerized Batman figure ...
which reinvents Black Mask as a being of not just hyper ruthlessness but anarchy. He's the perfect arch-villain for this new Batman to take on, not because he's the Dark Knight's antithesis ...
In the new issue Batman meets with Black Mask, nominally with the intention ... so by putting a twist on a famous scene from The Dark Knight – then taking a quite improbable amount of punishment.
WILL THE PARTY END HERE FOR ABSOLUTE BATMAN? With his friends lives at stake ... and give up both himself and his morals to Black Mask? Or does he have something even BIGGER than himself to ...