Dr. D.Y. Patil School of Design, Tathawade, hosted the 'Longest Comic Strip' initiative, creating a record-breaking comic ...
This in and out of hot and cold acts as a circulatory flush, pushing out any kind of inflammation,” explains Dr Karan Jadhav, ...
GBS has finally come under control with not a single fresh suspected case or death reported from affected cluster area in the past 15 days, as per PMC officials ...
Our approach prioritizes a comprehensive evaluation of each client's condition, utilizing advanced techniques to restore not just hair but confidence," said Dr. Pund. Jadhav's case was especially ...
Dr BR Ambedkar, while serving on the Viceroy Executive Council during 1942, implemented significant labour reforms such as reducing working hours, introducing paid and maternity leave, and ...
Cops gather evidence from area A team of medical officers, including Dr Anant Kulkarni and Dr Balasaheb Jadhav, who conducted ...
According to oncologist Dr Tushar Jadhav, the introduction of a cancer vaccine targeting breast, oral, and cervical cancers ...
Kolhapur: Researchers from Shreemant Bhaiyyasaheb Rajemane College, Phaltan and Krishna College, Rethare, both affiliated to Shivaji University, have .