The enterochromaffin cells of the small intenstine (part of your gut) produce the highest concentration of serotonin. Serotonin is involved in bowel function, nausea, appetite, mood, learning ...
The study, published in Nature, found that special gut cells, called enterochromaffin (EC) cells, play a more significant role in pain than previously thought, by detecting harmful stimuli and ...
These cells, called enterochromaffin (EC) cells can act as important sensors that can monitor for potentially damaging or harmful substances, and send signals about what they sense. But these cells ...
Circulating serotonin is produced in the duodenum by enterochromaffin cells, specialized endocrine cells in the epithelia lining the gut, and functions within a specialized neuroendocrine network.
Fasting plasma concentrations of chromogranin A, an indirect measure of enterochromaffin cell mass, were significantly higher at weeks 8 and 12 in individuals who received esomeprazole than in ...
However, cytotoxic chemotherapy appears to be associated with release of serotonin from the enterochromaffin cells of the small intestine. See full labeling. Highly emetogenic chemotherapy ...