Microdiscectomy is done through a much smaller ... Laminotomy removes some of the lamina. Laminectomy removes most or all of the lamina. The lamina can be removed at the same time as the diskectomy.
Laminectomy. This is the most common surgery ... or they may be able to do it through a small one called microdiscectomy. Microdiscectomy is performed with an operating microscope through a ...
If your surgeon recommends surgery for your herniated disc, microdiscectomy is one option. Other options may include a lumbar laminectomy, open discectomy, or lumbar fusion surgery. You should ...
Surgical options aim to relieve pressure on the spinal cord and provide stability to the neck. Common procedures are posterior cervical laminectomy, discectomy and fusion, or corpectomy.
Postoperative care differs for microdiscectomy and decompressive laminectomy because the surgical pathology and interventions are different. The usual age variation of patients undergoing either ...