If the bomb detonated at or near ground level, a towering mushroom cloud would form, sucking up soil, steel, concrete, and ...
Fourteen years after the devastating earthquake and tsunami led to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident, the site has made ...
The US Department of Defense said it would complete a new nuclear attack scenario in order to prepare the country against any attempt to unleash nuclear weapons on North America ...
An atomic bomb is designed so that triggering a smaller, conventional explosion within the bomb starts a chain reaction. A thermonuclear weapon expands upon that "primary" bomb to start a nuclear ...
The eventual toll was not one hundred thousand wounded, but 140,000 deaths by the end of 1945, increasing further to 320,000 ...
Over the years, numerous nuclear weapons have been lost in the US, which have earned the ominous designation of 'Broken ...
A White House science advisor recently war-gamed with space agency heads worldwide to devise a planet-saving defense to an ...