Proposed plans are to widen Route 60 to three lanes, providing one continuous center left-turn lane and one travel lane in each direction with an eight-foot shared-use path and a five-foot sidewalk, ...
Celebrating Women’s History Month. Jane Price Sharp, Editor Emerita of The Pocahontas Times, receiving the Adam R. Kelly ...
Proposed plans are to widen the two-lane Route 60 (Pocahontas Trail) roadway into three lanes for access and safety improvements. The widening — from James City County Fire Station No. 2 to Magruder ...
Based in 1607, Disney depicts Pocahontas as the stunning and free-spirited daughter of Chief Powhatan (voiced by Russell Means). Her tribe lives in what is now known as Virginia and works together ...
Pocahontas, a new 263- ft. (80.25-m), 500-passen-1 g e r / 7 0 - v e h i c l e ferry, was delivered to the Virginia Department of Transporta t i o n by Moss Point Marine, Inc., of the Trinity M a ...
The Monongahela National Forest announces two prescribed fires. Forest officials estimate the work will continue through the ...
JAMES CITY — The Virginia Department of Transportation ... Proposed plans are to widen the two-lane Route 60 (Pocahontas Trail) roadway into three lanes for access and safety improvements.