Spider monkey rescued from DUI suspect recovering at Oakland Zoo A severely malnourished spider monkey found in a Rolls Royce in central California during a DUI traffic stop is now under care at ...
Sequoia and Siskiyou came to the Oakland Zoo in December 2017. Both born in captivity, the wolves lived in the zoo's California Trail expansion as part of a partnership with the California Wolf ...
(KRON) — An 11-year-old wolf named Sequoia died recently at the Oakland Zoo. The wolf has several offspring in the zoo, including wolves Arroyo, Lassen, Sonora, and Anza. “We are heartbroken ...
A Hamadryas baboon had a blast celebrating his first birthday at Oakland Zoo on February 18. This footage was captured by staff at Oakland Zoo, who said that to celebrate Jasiri’s birthday, keepers ...
Spider monkey rescued from DUI suspect recovering at Oakland Zoo A severely malnourished spider monkey found in a Rolls Royce in central California during a DUI traffic stop is now under care at ...