Gray is charged with aggravated murder, murder and inducing panic for the June 12, 2022, shooting of 25-year-old Donatrious Sylvester inside a shoe store at the Mall at Tuttle Crossing.
DUBLIN, Ohio (WCMH) — A shopping center near the Mall at Tuttle Crossing is under new ownership after being acquired for more than $20 million. The Dublin-area center spans two properties at ...
Like the Polaris and Tuttle Crossing stores, about 90 of the locations in the portfolio neighbor malls while 30 are located in shopping centers or are free-standing. Other Ohio stores included in ...
Someone took the machine from the 2300 block of Tuttle Creek Boulevard by a known suspect. The shopping center includes a strip mall, car wash, gas station and Dollar General. Total loss is $11,221.
M/I Homes is aiming to transform a wooded property in Dublin near the struggling Mall at Tuttle Crossing by building a neighborhood of townhomes.
Tyrone Gray, 27, fired his most recent attorney days before his latest trial date on murder charges. The judge says Gray is trying to cause delays.