for clothing exports in the year 2020 has shown that Vietnam has surpassed Bangladesh as the second-largest global trader. According to the study, last year Vietnamese sales totaled US $ 29 ...
This positions Vietnam as the second-largest global fashion exporter, trailing only behind China. The Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association (VITAS) has set a target to generate export revenues ...
Vietnamese fashion designers took audiences in Hà Ná»™i ... Nam recently launched his traditional long dress collection at the Vietnam Ao Dai festival held in San Jose (California, USA), with the aim of ...
The first-ever Vietnam International Fashion Week ended after five formal nights (Dec. 1-5). The thorough and professional investment brought a new aspect for the event compared to the previous ...
Vietnam is a country in south-east Asia. There were a number of long-term and short-term reasons to explain why the USA became involved in Vietnam in the late 1950s. Before World War Two Vietnam ...