Physicist explains Is warp drive really possible ... Dr. Harold "Sonny" White, a NASA mechanical engineer and physicist, is ...
A scientific discovery that could transform the study of warp drive is now under wraps at the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
Could warp drive one day join that list ... Dr. Harold "Sonny" White, a NASA mechanical engineer and physicist, is working to address this issue. He believes it might be possible to reduce ...
To construct a warp drive, we'd need 10 times more negative energy than all of the positive energy in the universe. In 1994, Mexican theoretical physicist Miguel Alcubierre decided to figure out ...
"But that's almost a waste of the warp drive," Tyson said. "It's too close." Warp speed It's taken NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft 38 years to travel 12 billion miles from Earth. It's only traveling a ...
But a new animation by NASA scientist James O'Donoghue grounds the warp drives of those fictional spaceships in reality, and he says the work gives him "a sense of despair" about even super ...
This warp drive is a theoretical concept where a spacecraft travels faster than light by contracting the space in front of it (red) and expanding the space behind it (blue). . | Credit ...