More information: Shota Abe et al, Deuterium retention behaviors of boronization films at DIII-D divertor surface, Nuclear Materials and Energy (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.nme.2024.101855 ...
A new facility Eni is to build in Culham, Oxfordshire, in collaboration with the Atomic Energy Authority of the United Kingdom (UKEA), will be the largest plant in the world for the management of ...
Phase 1 of WEST operation was limited to shots of tens of seconds because the lower divertor, where the hot plasma directly touches the wall of the machine, was not actively cooled. That means that ...
Coherence imaging of carbon-2+ emission (465 nm) is used to track the main-chamber impurity velocity of DIII-D L-mode plasmas with 𝐵 × ∇𝐵 out of the divertor. The 𝐶2+ flow stagnates near the top or ...
Reference: “Deuterium retention behaviors of boronization films at DIII-D divertor surface” by Shota Abe, Michael J. Simmonds, Alessandro Bortolon, Florian Effenberg, Igor Bykov, Jun Ren, Dmitry L.
New research offers insights that could help reduce the amount of radioactive tritium embedded in the walls of fusion vessels to a minimum. To develop a practical fusion power system, scientists ...
These modal filters on NW Flanders through the North Park Blocks block car users from accessing the greenway. (Photos: Jonathan Maus/BikePortland) By northeast Portland resident and bike bus leader, ...
If only we could end the repair and repave cycle. (Photos: Jonathan Maus/BikePortland) “You should… take some streets out of service.” – Mitch Green, Portland city councilor Portlanders have heard for ...