Your German folk art is very classic and yes, these pieces are marvels in the art world. Many have original signatures, as ...
The number of factories who made then, including Spode, Minton, Rogers, Clews and Enoch Wood ... niches - but as a general rule the largest platters and monumental jugs will bring substantially more ...
Long before Artificial Intelligence, diverse devices have done our thinking for us In 1637 a Frenchman penned three words which would prompt future generations to proclaim him to be the Father of ...
Please note: Gateway will be unavailable on Wednesday 13 November while we carry out some essential maintenance. Gateway to the Past contains over 80% of our archive catalogues and this percentage is ...
With rent increasing by 6 percent year-over-year, the number of hours a minimum-wage worker would need to work to afford the median rent also increased by eight hours.