The Rhode Island Foundation awarded $3 million in grants to Newport County nonprofits in 2024, helping push the organization ...
Sierra Jones is the founder of LMNRY, and is the only black woman-owned business on historic Thames Street in Newport.
Take a guided tour of the historic Fort Adams in Newport on weekends in March. Constructed with Irish labor between 1824 and ...
If you want historical New England vibes, there are also lots of Rhode Island hotels with colonial ties. In fact, the very first hotel in Rhode Island opened in Newport almost 200 years ago.
It is a joint effort involving Newport, Middletown, Portsmouth, Jamestown, Tiverton, and Rhode Island State Police ... fiancé which left my then 5-year-old niece a orphan." ...
Fine Linens, Silver, Blown Glass, Ceramics, Candles, Furniture and Textiles Many of the things that fill our houses today also filled the homes of colonial Rhode Islanders, except in their case, they ...
Rhode Island Slave History Medallions (RISHM) continues its mission of marking the landscape by telling the untold stories of real-life Africans, African Americans and Indigenous people who walked our ...
RI's new lead-safe apartment registry law has seen low compliance ... the state Department of Health is finding ...
Newport Police Chief Ryan Duffy released a statement ... Officials said the three were a 17-year-old boy from Richmond, a 16-year-old boy from Wakefield and a 17-year-old boy from Barrington.
Rhode Island boasts several restaurants that could be considered for the America's Classics Awards, including Angelo's Civita ...