So, blobfish don’t really look like melting ice cream in their natural environment. Underwater, they’re shaped like tadpoles: ...
It’s almost time to grab a fishing rod and try to snag a big fish. Mentored Youth Trout Day is this Saturday, March 29 where ...
The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) has created the potential for daily fish production exceeding 14,000 Kilograms, ...
Last year, tribal nations in Oregon and California won a decades-long fight for the largest dam removal in U.S. history. This ...
“Fish sauce is one of the foundations for flavor,” he said.
From a distance, they look like tiny white dots floating on the sea. But get closer, and you’ll see people sitting on ...
The University of California, Davis' Fish Conservation and Culture Laboratory was in financial limbo after its grant lapsed.
The sight of thousands of salmon off WA's Cheynes Beach has sparked excitement for another bumper fishing season.
At the core of this initiative is a simple yet effective idea introduced by ecologist Mark van Heukelum. Mounted at the Weerdsluis lock in Utrecht, an underwater camera captures live video footage of ...
The project include source-water protection, storm water management and restoration of the lake and wetlands habitat.
Scientists have learned that particles from car tires are a leading culprit in salmon declines in the Pacific Northwest—and ...