The Alternative for Germany, which has morphed since it was founded in 2013 from a party of libertarian economists to an anti-immigration, pro-Russia group, is forecast to have won the backing of ...
Investigators are probing the causes of an unusual plane crash at Canada's largest airport on Monday, when a regional jet flipped upside down upon landing during windy weather, sending 21 of the 80 ...
Volleys of gunfire rang out in Democratic Republic of Congo's eastern border town of Uvira on Wednesday, local sources said, as clashes broke out among allied forces amid the advance of Rwanda-backed ...
When Russian President Vladimir Putin launched his invasion of Ukraine nearly three years ago, then-U.S. President Joe Biden took a firm stand in solidarity with Kyiv, forged a bulwark of European ...
Brazilian prosecutors presented a streamlined version of charges against former President Jair Bolsonaro this week over a plot to overturn his 2022 electoral loss, which could boost the chances of a ...
Astronomers for the first time have deciphered the three-dimensional structure of the atmosphere of a planet beyond our solar system, revealing three layers like a wedding cake on a ferociously hot ...
財政司司長陳茂波發表新一份財政預算案, 他表示, 世界百年未有之變局加速演進, 香港面對的國際環境相當複雜, 保護主義和單邊主義令世界政經格局變得碎片化, 未來將更趨向有共同利益經濟體之間的合作. 人工智能正在重塑全球經濟中長期格局, ...
財政預算案提出, 全體公務員和問責官員等一致凍薪. 公務員事務局表示, 凍薪安排4月1日生效, 同時不會繼續進行本年薪酬趨勢調查. 公務員事務局發言人表示, 在有限資源下, 政府有必要嚴控開支增長, 公務員團隊作為政府的重要一部分, 會全力支持和配合預算案公布的強化財政整合計劃, 繼續致力提升公共服務, 共同應對未來挑戰.
預算案縮減派糖措施規模, 住宅及非住宅物業寬減下年度首季差餉, 上限500元, 較今年度的寬減縮減一半; 寬減24/25年度100%的薪俸稅和個人入息課稅, 以及利得稅, 由去年度 3000 元削減一半至上限1500元.
教育局宣佈本年9月的學年起, 逐步放寬6間自資院校收內地學生限額, 由現時百分之10至20, 分階段提升至百份之40. 教育局指, 獲得國家教育部同意, 逐步放寬已獲批准招收內地學生, 入讀學位課程的6間自資院校, 包括都會大學和樹仁大學等, ...
外電引述消息人士指, 中金公司(03908)與中國銀河證券(06881)將會合併, 將會合組一間總資產規模達1萬4千億元人民幣的內地第三大券商. 中國銀河發公告表示, 近日關注到有市場傳聞稱, 公司將與 ...
就今天財政預算案中推進上市制度改革的措施, 孖士打律師行合夥人歐家銘表示, 十分支持政府推動優化雙重主要上市及第二上市門檻, 以及改善和優化審批流程的政策, 吸引更多優質企業來港上市, 與國際主要交易所的要求接軌. 他認為, 此舉既能擴闊香港股市的深度與闊度, 應對當前經濟趨勢和企業需求, 與此同時助繼續維持現有的股東保障標準及市場誠信.