"Alien: Earth" is a new TV prequel to the "Alien" franchise. It starts when a spaceship crashes on Earth with a xenomorph on ...
On January 27, FX and Disney (yeah, remember they own the Alien franchise now after buying Fox) released a new teaser for ...
Though we're still waiting on a full trailer, FX on Hulu has released some new key art for Noah Hawley's Alien: Earth, giving ...
Paste Magazine is your source for the best music, movies, TV, comedy, videogames, books, comics, craft beer, politics and ...
Earth was in Xenomorph-related trouble long before the Nostromo’s trip to LV-426. Here’s the latest teaser for ‘Alien: Earth’, the FX show coming this summer.
By Becky Ferreira For a few months last fall, a school-bus-size space rock named 2024 PT5 gained fame as Earth’s new “mini-moon.” Astronomers rushed to study the object while it was still ...
But there’s one notable thing about this new teaser that has really got my attention, and it has nothing to do with the Xenomorph tearing through the damaged ship or the view of this vessel hurtling ...
They took the rare available measurements of meteorological parameters in the ignorosphere — obtained by sounding rockets and Earth-based radar and lidar instruments — and fed them into a new ...
Heading into 2025, we’re looking forward to a whole new chapter in the franchise as the series prepares for its long-awaited ...
is still orbiting Earth and performing all its maneuvers to close in on the moon. Dear Annie: I’m sick of people asking me why I’ve never married Dear Abby: Lifelong friend found a new man ...
The first-ever series based on the Alien universe is hitting this summer, in the form of Noah Hawley’s Alien: Earth on FX and ...
Two huge masses deep within Earth may have remained stable for billions of years, surviving the powerful churn of the interior, according to an analysis of seismic waves ringing throughout the planet.