A. The bread and wine are changed into the body and blood of Christ at the Consecration in the Mass. Q. 917. What is the Mass? A. The Mass is the unbloody sacrifice of the body and blood of Christ.
It is a sacrifice when it is offered up at Mass by the separate Consecration of the bread and wine, which signifies the separation of Our Lord's blood from His body when He died on the Cross.
This is known as the Consecration of the Mass. During the Consecration, the Risen Jesus becomes present under the appearances of bread and wine. The term transubstantiation is used to explain the ...
Holy Spirit Parish will celebrate St. Joseph’s Day with an evening Mass and consecration to St. Joseph at 6 p.m. Wednesday, ...
Vivian Schwanke De Oliveira, a minister of the Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil (IEAB, by its Portuguese acronym), “concelebrated” the Sunday, Feb. 9, Mass for installation of the ...
Holy Spirit Parish will celebrate St. Joseph’s Day with an evening Mass and Consecration to St. Joseph on Wednesday, March 19 ...