Songs are important in Gaelic culture – many people become interested in the language as they enjoy the songs. Maybe you’ve heard a song that you have loved and that has inspired you to learn ...
So if you're like Munro Jr. and learn by listening then this is the lesson for you. Read on >> There are lots of ways to greet people in Gaelic but this is the one you'll hear most often ...
Start of five minute weekly bulletin news in Gaelic. Home service, 10.30 pm. Escape to Ballachulish. Thog an Scottish War News Unit sgeul air clàr dhe shaighdearan a theich tarsainn na Frainge an ...
Thanks for the unexpected language lesson, Andrew!’ another added. ‘I think he flaked and added “Gaelic” instead of just calling it “Irish” because people don’t believe it’s a real ...
Article continues below Lauren Smith, of Aberdeen, posts videos on Instagram to her 111,000 followers, nearly double the amount of actual Gaelic speakers, giving quick and simple lessons for ...
Do you have an interest in Gaelic? Aberdeen Gaelic Club promotes Gaelic language and culture within Aberdeen City and Shire. The Club runs Gaelic events and welcomes Gaelic speakers or anyone with an ...
A number of events have been held in the south of Scotland to mark World Gaelic Week, as the region celebrates it's linguistic heritage.