Gather ’round ye scallywags, I’ve got a treasure for thee. Is it gold doubloons? Nay. Jewels? Nary. A cove of a sexually ...
Here's a full rundown of every live-action Disney remake since 2010, plus the ones in development, from 'Alice in Wonderland' ...
These movies, whether good or bad, all performed miserably. We list the worst-performing movies at the box office.
Lady and the Tramp was an unlikely classic long after its release, but with its struggles, it still helped define the studio.
Some fairy tale movie adaptations, such as del Toro’s Pinocchio, Mirror, Mirror and Ever After, are far superior to Disney ...
The next live-action Disney movie to be released is “Lilo & Stitch,” which will feature Maia Keloha as the feisty Lilo, ...
March 2025 did not get a boost from a live-action adaptation of a Disney cartoon, as Snow White cratered at the box office.
The movie didn't have happy thoughts and failed to take off. With a whopping $150 million budget, the film grossed only $129 ...
The movie didn't have happy thoughts and failed to take off. With a whopping $150 million budget, the film grossed only $129 ...
How does "Snow White" rank among the studio's remakes of its animated hits? The post All 23 of Disney’s Live-Action Remakes ...
Disney has cashed in on nostalgia and is making many live-action remakes of some of their animated classics. Letterboxd ranks ...
Several animated Disney classics have gotten a second wind in recent years, but which is the fairest of them all? Here's ...