Morris Michtom, a small toy store owner, put two stuffed ’teddy bears’ in his Brooklyn shop window for sale, inspired by an ...
As the first president of the United States, George Washington likely would be dismayed to see the bickering that divides ...
There is no word on if anyone was inside the car.
It was Theodore Roosevelt — a lifelong admirer of Abraham Lincoln — who ordered the U.S. Mint to introduce copper pennies ...
There’s a long standing theory that stressful jobs make people age faster. In no profession does this theory feel more … ...
I consider it a special treat to see elk along Highway 3 near Trinity Center and I always have an eye out for them as I ...
Between the Freakybuttrue Peculiarium in Nob Hill and Stark’s Vacuum Museum in the Central Eastside to the prop and costume ...
In his 1994 book Diplomacy, Henry Kissinger wrote about the two dominant strains of American foreign policy: realism as ...
There is an echo of McKinley’s spirit and Roosevelt’s strategy in the early Trump White House. For a president who said that ...
In the early 1900s, President Theodore Roosevelt's progressive legislation, dubbed the Square Deal, aimed to limit the power ...
Strangely, over a century, America’s two major political parties gradually reversed identities, like the magnetic poles of Planet Earth switching direction. When the Republican Party was ...