A different movie with this premise and a small budget could have possibly worked. With a different script or a different ...
Where Oppenheimer displays total control of his craft of visual storytelling, the film fails the shortcomings of its script -- specifically, the choice to tell this story as a musical. The decision is ...
Directed by documentary filmmaker Joshua Oppenheimer, The End follows a Dystopian Earth where a wealthy couple -- Father (Michael Shannon) and Mother (Tilda Swinton) -- have survived by living in a ...
An accomplished historian and author of "The Impeachers," Wineapple takes her time setting up the story. In a leisurely manner—perhaps too leisurely—her narrative encompasses Prohibition, the Ku Klux ...
Keeping the Faith by Brenda Wineapple tells the story of the infamous “Scopes Monkey Trial” unfolding in Dayton, Tennessee, in the summer of 1925. A high school teacher, John T. Scopes, was hauled ...